Welcome to A.N.Iman's Concept Journal

This is where everything that revolves around me are listed. Be it entertainment, news, people, facts, or even inspiration that I was brought upon. This is where it belongs. Explore the creativity, for you'll definitely be surprise by the discovery. Hope you guys enjoy the things that I have provided!

2 Days of Adventure

Saturday, 18 April 2009

DATE: 16-17 April 2009
Time: Mornin till nit time the very next day!
Location: All over except North Area

Woohooo......First of all, I wan congratulate myself for achieving 20 laps of swimming. Thanks to Weixue, for setting that standards, Randy for bein the kaki always on to anything, Arul for bein a competitor, Roger who is now off to sailing and long gone and no longer able to join us, and lastly Ali and Jay who is still learning how to swim! haha

Anw, after pure water cardio in sch with a gd 1hr++ mins wif Mr Beanie at the rockgym, we set off to ECP for the nit cyclin trip!

Upon reachin ther, Mr Wayne mushroom, lead the small gang of me,randy, and him into the bigsplash area on the left of ECP. FReakin further away frm mac we suppose to go to! Damn u mushroom and ur navigating sense. But no worries Wayne, coz u my fren, I 4give u! heheheh

Suddenly...............I realise i dun wan to write such a long blog post!

Hence summarise everything, we cycled to CBD usin the 'Marina Bridge' which was my first time ridin on the expressway. Then, we had 'Babi' tah Huay Break for supper which was my first after a very very very long time. Then, etc etc happen and we reach bck ECP at 4am++!

Now here's the climax. Wayne, Randy, Ali, and me waited till fuckin 8am++ just to return our bikes (thx to kenneth and Terrytubby, i duno which one but must be one of u!) when we cld hv lock it ther and put the locking key in a bloody key hole!!!!!

Anw, frm the ECP I went bck to rockgym to slp, eat, shit b4 settin off to CA to lead climb and boulder wif my frens FULLSTOP!