Welcome to A.N.Iman's Concept Journal

This is where everything that revolves around me are listed. Be it entertainment, news, people, facts, or even inspiration that I was brought upon. This is where it belongs. Explore the creativity, for you'll definitely be surprise by the discovery. Hope you guys enjoy the things that I have provided!

Time Wasted

Sunday, 18 April 2010

On any given free day, we normally spend our times as a bummer. If we choose to, we be going out with friends having fun and doing stupid things. Yes, it builds bond. Bond that either last forever or is just temporary.

But bonds that last forever are those with knowledge, those that you choose to practice. Spending time reading helps to free the mind from narrow thoughts and open it up to undiscovered discoveries. So be selfish not of your time, for it gains meaning with books that may serve you well in the future.

One With Heart

Tuesday, 13 April 2010

Read this somewhere;

A man who works with his hand, is a labourer.
A man who works with his hand and brain, is a craftmans.
A man who works with his hand, brain and heart, is an artiste.

These short phrases give me an understanding of why I choose to leave the company. I had no heart then to do what I was doing. Selling things aggressively and working from morning till night, I was close to being a workaholic with not much payment. Even worse, the lifestyle it would have lead me did not reap benefits.

Of course it let me to another predicament.Will I ever survive in the working world in the future?