Welcome to A.N.Iman's Concept Journal

This is where everything that revolves around me are listed. Be it entertainment, news, people, facts, or even inspiration that I was brought upon. This is where it belongs. Explore the creativity, for you'll definitely be surprise by the discovery. Hope you guys enjoy the things that I have provided!

For What is Best

Sunday, 11 January 2009

Focus on the things in life that matters. Know no boundaries my friend.

oh yea, didn expect to go to open finals the wrng way. Terry, u owe me a combo meal man.......what was it again, a mee maggi and wat drink?

Btw, it was good to see a whole lot of teamsprc. It motivates me. Seriously.

Hope 2 changing the club for the better.

And stop monitorin the laptop.........ur eyes are killin u my fren. :P