Welcome to A.N.Iman's Concept Journal

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Happy Thoughts

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Time and time again we fret and complain about our daily life. The tendency of finding comfort in letting our negative emotions go make us forget that it is truly better to think on the bright side.

Yes, sharing with our close ones the thing we hate the most is good. Good to open up about our problems, to let out those bottled anger and sadness of our miserable life. But, have we ever realised the no. of times we been doing that compared to the no. of times we talked about how good life was?

Think about it for a minute. Reflect back through your recent conversations. And see yourself as who you are. Optimistic or pessimistic? Or even optimistic pessimist?

Let us now change the way we are, by reminding ourselves that we SHOULD think happy thoughts. Hey, at least save our friends ass off from the emotional chatter that we often make shall we?