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World History

Sunday, 12 July 2009

Today, I had more than enough time to roam through the realm of the internet for a look on the topic History.

After several attempts to comprehend what the wikipedia and google had to offer, I finally conclude that I could only absorb bite-size information and not go in-depth of what is being said. Too much information on a single sub-topic makes my mind feel dull and boring.

However, I've learn several new things.

1) 20th century's greatest engineering achievements:

1. Electrification
2. Automobile
3. Airplane
4. Water Supply and Distribution
5. Electronics
6. Radio and Television
7. Agricultural Mechanization
8. Computers
9. Telephone
10. Air Conditioning and Refrigeration
11. Highways
12. Spacecraft
13. Internet
14. Imaging
15. Household Appliances
16. Health Technologies
17. Petroleum and Petrochemical Technologies
18. Laser and Fiber Optics
19. Nuclear Technologies
20. High-performance Materials

2) Regenerative Braking (although not part of history)
- What makes it interesting was how the system utilise the mechanical energy to produce electrical energy for hybrid cars with not much waste energy.

3) Sanskrit
- An ancient Indian language. I didn't realise there was a way to pronounce the words. I tried the first few letters or what, but obviously failed miserably.

4) Muslim Conquest in the 600 AD
- We were once power house like United States and Russia. It was so called during the Persian Era that we were 'rich' in many way. But, the question is, "What make us fall?" I was once told the reason behind it, but the Truth is what I seek since you can never rely much on hearsay.

5) History of Several Continents (Currently reading)
- Their past is what intrigues me. I mean, when you think about it, how do the people live their lifestyle back then. What was their entainment and their purpose in life when everything seems so mundane. Castles, huts, knights, bushmen, turban men, pyramids, etc. You name it, you research it.

Of course, there were more things I've learnt.

To be conscious that you are ignorant is a great step to knowledge. - Benjamin Disraeli