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The Reason Why We Say 'Hi!' (Part 2)

Saturday, 13 September 2008

(Switch off the music before you begin reading this)

A few months passed...

I walked that same corridor again. This time, I walk passed through it with a glimpse of what remains the inhabitants of that house. The people who are his relatives, people who are there but yet was not there. It may sound as if I am speaking in circles but if you try to comprehend the meaning of what I am trying to say, it may lead to a certain conclusion.

Unexpectedly, he died. It was a shocking news for me as I did not anticipate his impending death. Basically, it had been days or weeks since the last time I seen him. Since the last time I said 'Hi!' He was so upbeat each time I greeted him in the past that I do not believe any man could have known that he was going to depart so soon. The reason I had not seen him was plainly because my polytechnic school life had started and I was running home late each time that he would have been sleeping at that moment.

I went down to the voideck to give my last respect. A few distance away from corpse, I gave a minute of silence. Hell man, I did not even knew his name. Never had the courage to ask. Never knew that time was running low for him. But yet he was the man, that taught me something, the man that had always put up a smile in my face....


Dear people especially my friends,

The reason we say 'Hi!' is because it shows our acknowledge of the existence of another human being. To show that we had care to notice that person and had taken the time to at least greet him/her and let him/her know about it. Imagine how you would feel to be living in a world where people did not bother about you.

For example, would you live in a luxurious bungalow with roommates who does not matter what happens to you, whether you live or die. Or would you prefer a decent home with rommates/family members that socialise with you and know you best.

I choose the latter. As you can see people and friends, a simple greeting can make wonders and does make a different in the world. Just as it had it mine.

Lesson Learnt: Someone happiness may not necessarily comes in monetary terms, it comes from the simple gestures in life that make things so wonderful and yet so meaningful.