Welcome to A.N.Iman's Concept Journal

This is where everything that revolves around me are listed. Be it entertainment, news, people, facts, or even inspiration that I was brought upon. This is where it belongs. Explore the creativity, for you'll definitely be surprise by the discovery. Hope you guys enjoy the things that I have provided!

At the Peak

Saturday, 6 September 2008

When do you say give up? Do you wait for things to progress? Or move on to what is better else in life?

Things do not happen as they used to be and you start wondering whether they will ever change.
You worry endlessly and it dampens the mood to do anything & everything. You walk the earth like a zombie day & night. Patiently waiting & believing in hope. You hide behind the mask of your trueself so people could never know what were your actual expressions. You are surrounded by happiness of the people but yet you feel so intense inside.


P.s. - Some expressions are not best kept hidden, Or they will eat u alive!