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Visual Artist's Dilemma

Sunday, 28 November 2010

I took a note, from a digital art book, which states that most artists are visual creatures. What I believe they meant was that artist see things in their head, visions of what is to come or how an idea had blossomed to form a complex picture. The overall big picture that is the end product of whatever they had ponder about.

Once that picture/vision has been shape, it forms to be the goal of the artist, and then it will be his duty to do what is necessary to reach it.

However, the difficulty for the artist is during the need to explain or portray that mental picture to anyone. It requires the help of detailed drawings, specific words descriptions, and other related-media. What's more, if the artist himself may not be that intellectually capable, then it distorts the way he describes them.

One analogy is like when an architect of engineering, who is capable of visualising how a complicated new machine works, but may not necessarily know the right technological terms to explain his creation. Hence, his peers/workers may not be able to comprehend what he is trying to achieve nor can work toward that particular goal.

In the end, the artist does most of the leg work for his own creations, and even if he achieve it, ages will have passed. But then again, he would have been crowned a genius.