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Limit, Beliefs, and Purpose

Monday, 15 June 2009

Everyone has their limit. We only find it when we push to reach that limit and can no longer perform any further. So what do we do after that? Does it means our journey ends there? Or do we strive further even though we could no longer exceed the limit?

If you had read in between the lines then you would have began to realise that it then relies on your beiliefs of how you want to take control over the matter.

If you had believed that you could no longer exceed, then you would have fail to see flaw in your mentality that is stopping you from going over the comfort zone.

If you had a stronger mind, then you would not have accept the fact of your limited capabilities and would have fight for something more.

To push the boundaries of your body till it physically and mentally torments itself that you start asking yourself, "What was the purpose of all of these?"

The Author's Note: This post is to show how we humans have a limit to anything, and how our mind works to acknowledge/disavow this limitation which is dependable on our beliefs system. However, if we choose to strive for further excellence then we should have a purpose for it.

The superior man is distressed by the limitation of his ability; he is not distressed by the fact that men do not recognize the ability he has. - Confucius

Note: All this was written by me except the quote. So if u are surprised, so am I.