Welcome to A.N.Iman's Concept Journal

This is where everything that revolves around me are listed. Be it entertainment, news, people, facts, or even inspiration that I was brought upon. This is where it belongs. Explore the creativity, for you'll definitely be surprise by the discovery. Hope you guys enjoy the things that I have provided!

The Time Stood Still

Saturday, 19 September 2009

It felt as though the minutes just stopped, but everything was still in motion. The mind was not wondering in the past nor the future. I had stop fantasizing and it was an uncommon phenomenon.

What surprised me was the absence of my eagerness about the end of the Ramadhan period and the impending trip to Malaysia. There was no thrill whatsoever. Instead, I sat in front of my laptop and witness changes of the present state. It was stoning in epic couch potato style.

The only way to escape this twilight zone is to switch off the laptop. For it will definitely halt the procrastination, and start the initiatives.


Sunday, 13 September 2009

Definition: A condition, detail, part, or attribute, with respect to time, place, manner,agent, etc., that accompanies, determines, or modifies a fact or event; a modifying or influencing factor: Do not judge his behavior without considering every circumstance.

I wanted to change the circumstances. But if It/He/She/They chooses that way, there's really nothing I can do about it.

And that, is what it means to be place faith and hope for something you have no control over.

So think carefully, because the mind is by right, a complex system. Hence, we were not given the details so as not to be fickle-minded. Being sane, is what keeps us alive.

Be Yourself, Be Free

Friday, 4 September 2009

Alright ppl, its time to go get moving! Exams was hell.........yes, you know, i know, we all know. So what better way to spend the holidays than to get yourself psyched with, CLIMBING VIDEOS!!!!

Videoclimb.com provide one of the best footages of climbing scenes you will ever see. Like this for example:

Alex Puccio - Trice V12 from Brian Solano on Vimeo.

And for those who wants the Dosage Series, and King Lines, well, u can ask me! Service provided specially for u!